Thursday, February 18, 2010

OOC POST: Because I Need To Say Something

Look, I know it's been very stressful past few days. I know that a lot of people have been hurt, including me. I know that our verse has been shaken up, by a lot of stuff.

I don't want to fan the flame. I want to get along with everyone. I honestly and truly enjoy RPing with all of you. HONESTLY I do.

We all have RL crap to deal with, but honestly, don't take that out on everyone. Sometimes, when I get upset with my parents or even, I tend to yell at my dog. That's an example of stuff going on here. If you're upset with something, tell the other person that you're upset with them. Don't take personal stuff out on everyone in the feed. Take it to a DM. That's what they're for.

I'm sorry if I've hurt any feelings, or stepped on any toes or offended anyone by anything I've said. I'm just here to have fun. And I'm having fun. Lots of fun.

I was asked to pass on a message, and I did. And then I turned around and did the same thing. In a somewhat malicious manor, because I was still upset and I needed to vent. And I'm truly sorry for any feelings that I've hurt. Truly and completely sorry. I accidently clicked your name and sent that DM.

I really do care about all y'all. And I want us to all get along and have fun and be friends, and eat rainbow cake. :P But really, I do care about all y'all. And I really do want to RP with all y'all and have fun. Because isn't that what we're here for? For fun an our love of Star Wars?

Look, if you're upset at me for a legit reason, be upset. That's fine. I don't blame you. A lot of toes have been stepped on the past several...from what I understand it...months. And I didn't intend to step on anyones toes. You have my sincere apology if I've upset you. I honestly just want us to all get along and have fun.

That's what I'm going to do, join me if you care to.

Thanks for reading.


1 comment:

  1. I really have nowhere to write this and a #PSA wouldn't be read by everyone so I really hope you don't mind me adding my 2cents here.

    Maybe I'm just being idealistic but the 'verse is fractured & falling apart and the only purpose all this drama serves is to further divide you.

    (..because there is a greater purpose & we do have to get along & put aside our differences. All of us.)

    I guess I'm appealing to everyone. I certainly don't intend to start naming names (and fan the flames even further) but I do have to say this & I hope that it will be read.

    Please don't let it end like this. We don't have to like each other (but there's the hope that we can) - but at the very least, respect each other. Have a somewhat working relationship. Put aside our petty differences. We all have the same goal, right? So let's unite & work towards that goal.

    (When you think about it though, the differences between us really are petty. Communication is everything.)

    That's why I'm here. That's why I follow & talk to everyone (or at least as many as I can) - because I do like you all. All of you. You're all awesome in your own way.

    You all contribute towards the greater whole & it disappoints & saddens me to see the verse so fractured.

    You know? Peace? Harmony? Make the verse a better place? I hope you can all join me in that goal. It's really not that hard.

    Just listen to each other. Try to understand each other's point of view. You don't have to do anything else but that.

    I know it's hard (because we're such a diverse bunch of people) but we all have to try. All of us.
