Sunday, September 19, 2010

OOC: Something Real Quick

Just a quick note about Piett.

I'm doing 3 separate story lines with @Qwi_Xux, @shmi_skywalker and @LadyJaneGarrett. Qwi hasn't been around in months. I assume she's busy with RL. Which is fine. I understand that. RL happens. But Piett is not a player. It's 3 different story lines with 3 different typist. And all of them are clear on that. I have no intentions to make those SL's cross.

And let me explain the SL's in case you're wondering.

Qwi and Piett-Still married, still love each other. He found her when she was kidnapped.

Shmi and Piett-Just friends for now. They've gone on a couple of 'dates', but it's nothing too serious. They're taking it very slow.

Jane and Piett-Long lost lovers, finally reunited. And as of tonight, married. Jane came from this site: and between the two of them they've taken in @NaomiGoldSaber. Jane runs an Inn on Drall right on the cliffs by the boiling seas. Jane and Piett are very much in love. And are very happy together.

And Shmi and Jane are the only two people, aside from his mother and father, that he'll let call Firmus. Otherwise, he hates it.

But that's just something I thought I'd explain. All three are very different story lines.

If you have any other questions about the SL's, I'll be happy to answer them. Just drop me an @ or a DM. Or if you'd like to RP with Piett, and have an idea for a SL, let me know.


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